(401) 484-1806
2021 Launch Special
We're confident you will find AdvocacyHub the best legislative tracking tool out there. Feel free to use our service for your work this session, at no cost until May 1st.
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View our Nightly Legislative Recap!
Research in depth
Instantly browse two decades of bills.
  •   Powered by Thunderstone® search engine
  •   Narrow search results by Sponsor, Category, more
  •   See highlighted hits in context
  •   Browse by general laws the bills would affect
  •   All bill text since 2005

Researching Tools

Every Bill, Every Year

Do decades of research on the legislation and law sections you care about. See how similar bills have fared over previous sessions and previous leadership teams.

Visual Bill Progress

Want to see at a glance where your bills are? Looking at a list and wondering which bills are moving? We make the complex movement through the legislature into a searchable, sortable, easy to understand graphic.

General Law Browsing

Wondering where in the laws each bill will change, and what that section means? Browse the full General Laws, by Title, Chapter, and Section. Every bill is linked directly to the laws it will affect.

Detailed Legislator Info

See every legislator's bills filed, cosponsored, committee memberships, cities represented, twitter feed, and more.

Historical Committee Data

We have committee memberships, bills in and through committee. We are always gathering more data and going farther back in time to complete our record.

Every Action since 2007

We have every action on every bill since 2007, and we have indexed each action with a progress so you can always see at a glance how close each bill made it becoming law.
Tracking & Alerts
Track unlimited bills with email alerts.
  •   Organize bills into simple, logical tracks
  •   Get email alerts on just the bills you want
  •   Add your own analysis to each bill
  •   Work privately or collaborate with your whole team
  •   Upload your files on bills

Tracking & Analysis Tools

Unlimited Bill Tracking

Create as many lists of bills as you need. Organize them however you want, and get email alerts on whichever tracks you need to.

Nightly Recap Emails

Our Nightly Recap has every new bill filed, every action on every bill, and any new committee hearings. We also notify you if there is any new bill text that matches your keywords, citations, or categories.

Action Alerts

Track a bill, set your track to receive alerts, and you will get an email as any action happens to your bill.

Detailed Committee Agendas

See every bill on a committee hearing in the order they will be taken up, as well as location, which legislators are on the committee, and any relevant notes. See full details about the bill. Make sure you are ready when your bills are taken up.

Comment On Bills

What do you want to remember about this bill? Add an immediate comment, right there on the bill page or from anywhere you can see the bill. Comments are shared with your team and can be added to reports, removed, or updated at any time.

Upload Your Files

Want to keep your own files along with a particular bill? Have a detailed impact document or call to action you want to share with your team? Forget email — upload the files directly on the bill for your whole team to access!
Professional Reports
Customized with the exact data and format you need.
  •   Create and save live reports on any number of bills
  •   Completely customize the data on your reports
  •   Add your own company logo
  •   Html, Printable PDF, or Email formats available
  •   Prepare for your week with a custom calendar report

Reporting Tools

Customized Bill Reports

Every report is custom - only the data you need. Personalize it with your custom logo, and save dynamic reports that update every time your report is run.

Calendar Reporting

Get a list of every Floor or Committee Calendar for the day -- or the week. Show and print only your tracked bills so you can stay focused on what matters.

Calendar Syncing

Have an important hearing coming up? Add it to your calendar with one click. See every bill on the agenda right there in Outlook or Gmail Calendar.

We suggest bills for you to track

You enter any keywords, categories, citations that matter to you, and we do the rest.

1. Add keywords like 'police', 'education', or 'pollution'
2. Select any of the 300+ categories, i.e. Alcoholic Beverages, Health Insurance, or Traffic Offenses
3. Browse and add specific citations in the General Laws, i.e. Title 34, or § 4-5-322
4. We scan every piece of text on every bill every day for every user
5. Bills will be immediately suggested if they match any of your criteria!
6. Track each bill as it pops up (or click 'ignore' to keep it off the list)
  Watch the full demo "20 minutes to save you 20 hours"

AdvocacyHub Peace of Mind

Secure Payments

We use Stripe, the internet's new standard in processing online payments, to securely handle and process payments. Our servers do not keep your credit card information on file.

SSL Security

Know your data and password are secure when you use Secure Socket Layer HTTPS. Every click on AdvocacyHub is fully encrypted using the secure web standard. Look for the on your address bar, and "https" to ensure you are experiencing a secure site.

No Contract, Cancel Anytime

At AdvocacyHub there is no contract to sign. You can pay month-to-month or save 10% by paying annually. Our user agreement protects your data.